Designing Workshop Scenarios

(July 2016 for a week)


Being given a brief by Marjan Van Aubel to develop scenarios for a workshop (she was going to carryout in Bauhaus on August 2016) was one of the most exiting work opportunities for me. Not only I love designing for fields such as energy and education, but it was an honour to help Marjan design a workshop for Bauhaus.



I was given instructions to develop scenarios which focusses on creating energy and are centred on hands-on mentality, materiality, aesthetics and sustainability. I had developed a dozen of scenarios. This lasted for 3 days and the scenario 'Long Live Energy' was selected by Marjan to be carried out



The job was followed by 4 days of research regarding the past history and culture of Bauhaus, to help Marjan carryout the workshop with the Bauhaus mentality and ideology